Saturday, December 30, 2023

6th Day of Christmas - Creation

 On the sixth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me six geese a-laying.

The six geese a-laying can represent the six days of creation.

The creation account in Genesis tells us how our world came into being. The Genesis account does not contradict the latest science, as many would have you believe. Evidence has to be interpreted, and your worldview determines how you will interpret the evidence. God tells us in his own writing that he made the world in six 24-hour days to give humans a model of how we are to live. 

Day 1: God created light and separated the light from the dark.

Day 2: God separated the waters, creating atmosphere and oceans

Day 3: God made dry land appear from the waters and created vegetation

Day 4: God made the sun, moon and stars

Day 5: God made the sea creatures and everything that flies

Day 6: God made the land animals and humans

I have studied multiple sides of the creation debates. After 30+ years of research, I have come to the conclusion that God did indeed create the world in six 24-hour days. A literal reading of the text aligns best with the rest of Scripture and with science. (btw, all Scripture should be read literally - that does not mean that you ignore metaphor, allegory, or simile, but that you understand when they should be used.)

What questions do you have about creation?


Hugh Ross, ICR, and the Bible

Did the early Church believe in a flat earth?

Six 24-hr Days

Response to Hugh Ross

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