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Photo credit: Frank Andree |
The day actually started at 11:30 p.m. the night before. My 7 year old son woke with stomach pain, and I took him to the Emergency Department to make sure it was not appendicitis. Turns out he was constipated.
After very little sleep, I woke early and left my kids with my mom so I could go get a rental car while our mini-van was in the shop for repairs. After waiting for 45 minutes, the rental agency told my husband and me that they didn’t have the car we had reserved. It was then that I felt the enemy attacking. I immediately went on to Facebook and posted in two of my church groups that we needed prayer.
You see, I was already sick. I had pink eye, and was pretty sure I had a sinus infection. I had planned on picking up the rental and being in the Urgent Care at 9:00 a.m. when they opened. So my physical body was sick and my mental state was weakening because of the frustration with the rental. Satan was using my weakness to attack me spiritually. I felt like I was being attacked in the spiritual and physical world.
I returned to my kids at noon after visiting two different Urgent Care facilities and finally getting a diagnosis of conjunctivitis, sinusitis, and a urinary tract infection. I thanked my mom and sent her home because she was starting to feel sick. All three of my kids had a doctor appointment at 2:30 p.m., which is in the middle of nap time, but my mom had put the baby down early, so he woke up just in time for us to leave.
While waiting for the doctor in the examining room, my kids were all whining and complaining, and being disrespectful. I felt the enemy attacking again. I called the kids all close to me and said, “Ok, you all are sick, and hungry, and Satan is using this against you. He is whispering in your head that it is okay to be whiney because you don’t feel good, that it’s okay to disobey because you are hungry. Don’t let him! Resist the devil and he will flee from you!” And then I prayed. Then Eldest prayed, which surprised me. Sometimes he can be quite ornery and doesn’t want to pray, but other times, he volunteers amazing little-kid prayers that get to the heart of the matter.
We went to the grocery store to pick up our prescriptions (all three kids were diagnosed with pink eye and sinus infections), once again the enemy attacked. The kids' disobedience and whining was at an extreme. I stopped in the middle of an aisle and prayed with the kids, reminding them again, to resist the urges they have to whine and complain, because that is what Satan wants them to do. I reminded them that our words and actions are to be uplifting to each other, and kind. After we prayed, the kids were able to control their desire to fuss a bit better. Side note: I find that when we know the reason we are acting a certain way, it is easier to control ourselves.
That evening, my husband and I talked. We are confident that God wants us to move to Kentucky. However, we have been having all sorts of little set backs that make us wonder, is this God’s way of saying we aren’t to move, or Satan trying to get us to doubt? We concluded that God does want us in Kentucky, and Satan is making life very difficult in the mean time. I’m not saying that our illnesses are caused by Satan, but he is using those illnesses to wear us down and cause us to doubt God’s will. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. (Ephesians 6:12)
So the next time you are confident that you are doing God’s will, yet all seems to be going wrong, just remember that Satan is our adversary, and he fights hard to make us give up and turn away from the right path we are on. Because when you submit yourself to God, the enemy attacks, but when you resist the devil, he will flee. (James 4:7).